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Version 5.x > Portal Engine > Community site "Custom registration form" customize appearance View modes: 
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berneanuvicentiu-gmail - 11/10/2010 7:46:35 AM
Community site "Custom registration form" customize appearance

I use "Custom registration form" with CAPTCHA activated. The probem is that the layout is broken.

How can I modify the layout of this webpart?

Thank you!

Best Regards,

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Armysniper89 - 11/10/2010 3:48:37 PM
RE:Community site "Custom registration form" customize appearance
You can create an Alternative Form for use with the Custom Registration. Go to the Site Manager -> Development ->System Tables page and then choose the User table. Under here you should be able to create a new Alternative Form and choose the fields and layout. Captcha is added to the layout afterwards and can be styled by looking at the CSS Classes in the web part.

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berneanuvicentiu-gmail - 11/11/2010 4:16:12 AM
RE:Community site "Custom registration form" customize appearance
Thank you.

I have modified the layout by editing the CSS class called EditingFormLabel for each label in the form.

Best Regards,

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Armysniper89 - 11/11/2010 2:19:36 PM
RE:Community site "Custom registration form" customize appearance
Yep that would be the other way. It would be great if there was a resource other than trolling through demo project CSS files to know where the styles are for the web parts.

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berneanuvicentiu-gmail - 11/12/2010 1:37:09 AM
RE:Community site "Custom registration form" customize appearance
Fully agree


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Kentico Support
Kentico Support
kentico_zdenekc - 11/26/2010 6:20:47 AM
RE:Community site "Custom registration form" customize appearance

You are right there's no "webpart css map" document.
The structure is however quite transparent.

Generally, layout of the webpart can be modified in the "Layout" tab of the properties dialog. That layout is then stored for specific page template.
If the webpart uses Form Engine form, then the layout for that form is defined separately and can be modified in the Layout definition for that form.
You can also set the Design properties of the given fields and their controls in the Field tab for the form, including system tables (or also e.g. Bizform definition) in the "Design" section:

Caption style
Here you can add CSS styles for the caption of a given attribute.

Input style
Here you can add CSS styles for the input of a given attribute.

Control CSS class
CSS class name which will style this property.

Then, you just need to link your CSS stylesheet (either in Content Before of the webpart or using "General / HTML Head" webpart in the Page template with this webpart) with the specific classes defined.

Hope this helps.
