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Version 5.x > Portal Engine > Blog Month Transformation View modes: 
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jlvallecorsa-aol - 1/5/2011 11:04:21 AM
Blog Month Transformation

I am using the Blog Archive webpart and it lists the blog months and number of blog posts contained as expected. When I click a blog month link, I am trying to use a repeater to display all of the blog posts in that month (same as I do for the main blog to list ALL blog posts). But I'm not sure how to query for just a particular blog month in the "WHERE" section of the repeater configuration. Any help would be appreciated.

If it helps, the default link displayed in the blog archive webpart is the format: www.mywebsite.com/blog/December-2010

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jlvallecorsa-aol - 1/5/2011 4:17:57 PM
RE:Blog Month Transformation
In case nayone was interested, this was actually a really simple fix. In teh repeater webpart, set the following config fields:

Show for document types: CMS.BlogMonth
Path: ./% (this should not be the path to the blog itself, which is what I originally had. It should only go to the path of the current doc's parent, which is the blog month.)