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Version 5.x > Portal Engine > get_ScriptManagerControl in CMSCustomTablesPage doesn't have implementation View modes: 
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Dave Diehl - 12/16/2010 2:08:48 PM
get_ScriptManagerControl in CMSCustomTablesPage doesn't have implementation
v5.5, .Net 3.5, Portal implementation.

I'm getting this after I tried to wrap some controls with Ajax and aborted the process when it took so long.

I've checked my copy of System.Web.Extensions in the bin folder and it looks good. Not quite the same version as in the GAC, but both 3.5.

I've also compared web.configs and bin folders with a 5.5 scratch installation.

Any general ideas of where to look for a solution?


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Kentico Developer
Kentico Developer
kentico_helenag - 12/30/2010 3:15:05 AM
RE:get_ScriptManagerControl in CMSCustomTablesPage doesn't have implementation

how do you wrap the controls with AJAX? What code do you use and where?

CMSCustomTablesPage is the built-in class and it really does not have any implemenation for get_ScriptManagerControl so it seems it is not a problem of assemblies.

Best regards,
Helena Grulichova

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Dave Diehl - 1/3/2011 8:41:57 AM
RE:get_ScriptManagerControl in CMSCustomTablesPage doesn't have implementation
I'm not. I don't. I made the mistake of dropping the ScriptManger in one of my user controls and quickly wanted to back it out. Unfortunately, it "helps you" by updating a lot more than just the aspx page.

Sounds like this isn't one of those "we're familiar with this and have an answer for you" kinds of an issue. I'll post a resolution when I find it...hopely short of installing a separate instance of 5.5 and moving over custom code.

At this point, I've already installed the separate instance and am doing file comparisons to see what's broke.

Let me know if you have any suggestions or ideas.


P.S. Nice hat!

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Dave Diehl - 1/3/2011 10:40:41 AM
RE:get_ScriptManagerControl in CMSCustomTablesPage doesn't have implementation
Fixed it.

I did a file version comparison of the bin folder from my development instance to my virgin Kentico instance and found discrepancies -- The AjaxControlToolkit dll was WAY off and all of the Kentico dll's were a minor rev off (mine were newer than the 5.5 install (difference between an upgrade and a full install??...e.g. my CMS.Blogs.dll was 5.5.3789.10446 and the 5.5 install was .9853).

I backed up my bin, completely overrode it with the 5.5 install bin, hand checked the config file to make sure the configSettings and references looked good and...bingo!...it builds.


Guess it helps to take a two-week vacation to stand back and look at it from the bigger perspective. :)


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Kentico Developer
Kentico Developer
kentico_helenag - 1/4/2011 3:19:09 AM
RE:get_ScriptManagerControl in CMSCustomTablesPage doesn't have implementation
Hi Dave,

Thank you for your response. It is helpful to know what helped. The vacation and rest is always helpful:-)

I wish you every success with your development.

Best regards,
Helena Grulichova