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Version 5.x > Portal Engine > Refer UserControl in Code View modes: 
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jothikumar018-gmail - 1/20/2011 12:44:37 AM
Refer UserControl in Code
I created t10 usercontrol, I can add it to my pages. But I want to update value for one usercontrols control value in another user control.

How can I refer one user control from another control by programatically?

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dima - 1/20/2011 2:01:45 AM
RE:Refer UserControl in Code
If I understand correctly all you need is to create a public property inside the user control which value you need to update from the outside.

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jothikumar018-gmail - 1/20/2011 2:22:00 AM
RE:Refer UserControl in Code
Thanks for your reply. I will try and let you know.

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Kentico Developer
Kentico Developer
kentico_helenag - 1/20/2011 7:55:47 AM
RE:Refer UserControl in Code

you can find (and manage) any control by standard ASP.NET methods, for example: Page.FindControl("controlId"). Please see the MSDN documentation for more documentation.

Best regards,
Helena Grulichova