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Version 4.x > ASPX templates > Documents in the nav? View modes: 
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robinc - 8/17/2009 9:50:43 AM
Documents in the nav?
Sorry, little bit of a newbie question here.

Is it possible for a CMSMenu control to include and display documents that I have made as sub-level items under pages?

Or are only Pages allowed in the nav?

Ion the properties panel for my new documents in CMSDesk, there's a checkbox under "menu" for "show in navigation", but it doesn't seem to make much difference.

I thought that the "Behave as Page (menu item) type" check box in the SiteManager would help, but it doesn't seem to fix it.

Any help much appreciated!



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Kentico Consulting
Kentico Consulting
kentico_mirekr - 8/17/2009 1:54:30 PM
RE:Documents in the nav?

Yes, this is possible. However, I assume that in your case you are just missing one important property of your menu navigation control which is called ClassNames (Document types in portal engine). You need to add appropriate document type classes to this property. Example:


Best Regards,
Miroslav Remias.

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robinc - 8/17/2009 2:41:57 PM
RE:Documents in the nav?
Spot on. Thanks very much.