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Version 4.x > Bug reports > CSS Menu List Item / Encode Menu Caption View modes: 
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Darren-DesignReligion.co - 4/8/2009 4:47:10 AM
CSS Menu List Item / Encode Menu Caption

Hi Guys,

not sure if i am using the CMS incorrectly - though i have a CSS menu list web part with the "Encode Menu Caption" set to true.
I am then setting the Menu Caption under Properties -> Menu to a different name to the page (this is fine and works), though any HTML i put in this caption is rendered to the screen as text. so <br> or <br /> is visible on the screen rather than encoding it as HTML.

Is this a bug or me?


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Darren-DesignReligion.co - 4/8/2009 4:52:54 AM
RE:CSS Menu List Item / Encode Menu Caption
Please ignore - i am an ass :-D