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Version 2.x > Portal Engine > Bizform upload file types View modes: 
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troot - 8/1/2007 5:44:46 PM
Bizform upload file types

I have an upload control in a bizform. I have two problems though which I can't find solutions to.

1. In addition to the label, it place the word "upload: " right beside the control. This looks untidy, and I can't find a nice way to shut off either one or the other.

2. When I go to upload a file it is telling me its not an accepted type. I've tried putting the following into the document types text box : ".doc,.pdf,.rtf,.txt", but that hasn't work.

Does anybody know a way around these two issues?


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forrester - 8/1/2007 11:55:10 PM
RE:Bizform upload file types
What version are you using? This sounds like 1.9x


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Kentico Support
Kentico Support
kentico_jurajo - 8/6/2007 2:57:33 PM
RE:Bizform upload file types
1. I am sorry for the inconvenience. The "Upload:" sign is generated automatically. You can use &nbsp but there will stay the colon (:). This should be fixed in the nearest version (probably next week).

2. In the field advanced properties in File Extensions you need to add the extensions without dot and separate with semicolon, e.g.: pdf;zip;doc

Best Regard,
Juraj Ondrus

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Darren - 3/12/2008 5:45:11 PM
RE:Bizform upload file types
Does the issue with the 'upload' label still exist? I have a file upload box on a form and I would really like to get rid of the 'upload' bit as it doesnt really fit in with the rest of the form. It makes it look untidy.

Any ideas?



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Kentico Developer
Kentico Developer
kentico_martind - 3/17/2008 4:01:26 PM
RE:Bizform upload file types
Hi Darren,

To get rid of the 'Upload:' caption please open ~\CMSResources\CMS.resx file, find uploader.upload key and clear its value. Then restart application in SiteManager -> Administration -> System -> General and reload page with BizForm.

Best regards,

Martin Dobsicek

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Darren - 3/17/2008 4:08:19 PM
RE:Bizform upload file types
That's great, it worked. Thanks.