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Version 6.x > Portal Engine > WebForm_FireDefaultButton not firing on root page View modes: 
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lucyht - 7/6/2012 11:38:06 AM
WebForm_FireDefaultButton not firing on root page
I have a master page with the Smart Search Box web part on which is inherited content on all pages of the site. This web part fires the WebForm_FireDefaultButton event fine on all pages in the site other than the home page when it is accessed by http://www.mydomain.com/. If you access the home page by http://www.mydomain.com/Home.aspx the WebForm_FireDefaultButton event fires fine.

The site default alias path is set to /Home and works fine.

I can work around this by setting Redirect document aliases to main URL to true, but that reroutes the page request from http://www.mydomain.com/ to http://www.mydomain.com/Home.aspx which I don't want to happen.

What do I need to do to get the WebForm_FireDefaultButton event to fire when the url http://www.mydomain.com/ is accessed?

BTW: This behaviour also happens with a BizForm that is on the home page.

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Kentico Support
Kentico Support
kentico_jurajo - 7/6/2012 4:06:45 PM
RE:WebForm_FireDefaultButton not firing on root page

What is the exact version number of your CMS?
Have you configured the extension less URLs as described in the guide?
What are your URLs and SEO settings for your site?
What is set as the default alias path?

Best regards,
Juraj Ondrus

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Certified Developer v7
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lucyht - 7/9/2012 7:03:18 AM
RE:WebForm_FireDefaultButton not firing on root page
Hi Juraj,

Version: 6.0.36
No I hadn't followed the extensionless urls guide - I will do so and report back!
Default Alias Path: /Home
URLs and SEO Settings:

Global settings, category "URLs and SEO"

URL format

Forbidden URL characters:

Forbidden characters replacement: -

Allowed URL characters:

Friendly URL extensions: .aspx

Files friendly URL extension: .aspx

Excluded URLs:

Document URLs

Default URL path prefix:

Use name path for URL path: False

Use permanent URLs: False

Remember original URLs when moving documents: True

Automatically update document alias: False

Search engine optimization (SEO)

Google sitemap URL: googlesitemap.xml

Allow permanent (301) redirection: True

Use URLs with trailing slash: DONTCARE

Redirect document aliases to main URL: True

Redirect invalid case URLs to their correct versions: NONE

Use language prefix for URLs: False

Allow URLs without language prefixes: False

Redirect documents to main extension: False

Move ViewState to the end of the page: True

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Certified Developer v7
Certified  Developer v7
lucyht - 7/9/2012 7:15:20 AM
RE:WebForm_FireDefaultButton not firing on root page
Hi Juraj,

I have followed the guide for extension less urls and it worked like a charm. I knew I had to be missing something.

Many thanks,