9/10/2010 2:37:42 PM
Trouble installing parallel sites with .net 4
After being away on another project i decided to restart my Kentico 5.5 project, but this time with 4 and VS2010.
--- The short story --- I can install one site at localhost I can't install a second site at localhost:81 I get Error HTTP Error 500.22 - Internal Server Error An ASP.NET setting has been detected that does not apply in Integrated managed pipeline mode.
-- The long Story --- If i move the first site to another port and make the second installation also to port 80 I end up with two working sites, with at least one caveat.
I have noticed that regardless of what port i configure the website to use, the (installer) web.config refer to localhost disregarding a port number different from 80, <add key="WS.webservice" value="http://localhost/WebService/webservice.asmx" />
If I move the site to another port are there any other places than this one, where i shall change the references?
/Thanks, Magnus