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jgreen-nedelta - 1/19/2010 1:24:18 PM
Error in Database setup - Step 3
I am getting the following error during the database creation step. Please let me know what I can do to correct this. Thank you.

ERROR: An error occured: [DataConnection.ExecuteQuery]: Query: CREATE TABLE [CMS_PageTemplateCategory] ( [CategoryID] int NOT NULL IDENTITY(1, 1), [CategoryDisplayName] nvarchar(100) NOT NULL, [CategoryParentID] int NULL, [CategoryName] nvarchar(100) NOT NULL, [CategoryGUID] uniqueidentifier NOT NULL, [CategoryLastModified] datetime NOT NULL, [CategoryImagePath] nvarchar(450) NULL, [CategoryChildCount] int NULL, [CategoryTemplateChildCount] int NULL, [CategoryPath] nvarchar(450) NULL, [CategoryOrder] int NULL, [CategoryLevel] int NULL ) ON [PRIMARY] ALTER TABLE [CMS_PageTemplateCategory] ADD CONSTRAINT [PK__CMS_PageTemplate__2C3393D0] PRIMARY KEY ([CategoryID]) ON [PRIMARY] ALTER TABLE [CMS_PageTemplateCategory] ADD CONSTRAINT [IX_CMS_PageTemplateCategory_1] UNIQUE ([CategoryPath]) ON [PRIMARY] ALTER TABLE [CMS_PageTemplateCategory] ADD CONSTRAINT [UQ__CMS_PageTemplate_CategoryName] UNIQUE ([CategoryName]) ON [PRIMARY] ALTER TABLE [CMS_PageTemplateCategory] ADD CONSTRAINT [DF_CMS_PageTemplateCategory_CategoryChildCount] DEFAULT ((0)) FOR [CategoryChildCount] ALTER TABLE [CMS_PageTemplateCategory] ADD CONSTRAINT [DF_CMS_PageTemplateCategory_CategoryTemplateChildCount] DEFAULT ((0)) FOR [CategoryTemplateChildCount] IF OBJECT_ID(N'[CMS_PageTemplateCategory]') IS NOT NULL AND OBJECT_ID(N'[CMS_PageTemplateCategory]') IS NOT NULL AND OBJECT_ID(N'[FK__CMS_PageT__Categ__2E1BDC42]') IS NULL BEGIN ALTER TABLE [CMS_PageTemplateCategory] WITH NOCHECK ADD CONSTRAINT [FK__CMS_PageT__Categ__2E1BDC42] FOREIGN KEY ([CategoryParentID]) REFERENCES [CMS_PageTemplateCategory] ([CategoryID]) NOT FOR REPLICATION END CREATE INDEX [IX_CMS_PageTemplateCategory] ON [CMS_PageTemplateCategory] ([CategoryParentID]) WITH ( ALLOW_ROW_LOCKS = OFF) ON [PRIMARY] CREATE UNIQUE INDEX [UQ_CMS_PageTemplateCategory_ptcGUID] ON [CMS_PageTemplateCategory] ([CategoryGUID]) ON [PRIMARY] : caused exception: Line 54: Incorrect syntax near '('.

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Kentico Support
Kentico Support
kentico_radekm - 1/20/2010 7:44:42 AM
RE:Error in Database setup - Step 3

What version od MS SQL Server do you use? This error occurs if you are using MS SQL Server 2000 which is not supported for Kentico CMS 5.0. If this is the case, I would recommend you to use MS SQL Server 2005 or 2008.

Best Regards,
Radek Macalik
Support Engineer

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jgreen-nedelta - 1/20/2010 2:50:52 PM
RE:Error in Database setup - Step 3
Yes, that was the problem. Thank you.

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omar.daher - 2/1/2010 12:57:34 AM
RE:Error in Database setup - Step 3
I have SQL server 2005, when I tried to build a new site using site wizard, I got a similar error...
the error usually on importing page layout and page template objects

The error message is:
ERROR: Error importing 'Page layouts' objects (Two columns, three columns)
Message: [DataConnection.ExecuteQuery]: Query: UPDATE CMS_MetaFile SET [MetaFileObjectID] = @MetaFileObjectID, [MetaFileObjectType] = @MetaFileObjectType, [MetaFileGroupName] = @MetaFileGroupName, [MetaFileName] = @MetaFileName, [MetaFileExtension] = @MetaFileExtension, [MetaFileSize] = @MetaFileSize, [MetaFileMimeType] = @MetaFileMimeType, [MetaFileBinary] = @MetaFileBinary, [MetaFileImageWidth] = @MetaFileImageWidth, [MetaFileImageHeight] = @MetaFileImageHeight, [MetaFileGUID] = @MetaFileGUID, [MetaFileLastModified] = @MetaFileLastModified, [MetaFileSiteID] = @MetaFileSiteID WHERE [MetaFileID] = @MetaFileID: caused exception: There is insufficient system memory to run this query. Stack Trace: at CMS.DataProviderSQL.DataConnection.ExecuteQuery(String queryText, Object[,] queryParams, QueryTypeEnum queryType)
at CMS.DataProviderSQL.DataConnection.CMS.IDataConnectionLibrary.IDataConnection.ExecuteQuery(String queryText, Object[,] queryParams, QueryTypeEnum queryType)
at CMS.DataEngine.GeneralConnection.ExecuteQuery(QueryParameters query)
at CMS.DataEngine.GeneralConnection.ExecuteQuery(String queryName, Object[,] parameters, String where, String orderBy, Int32 topN, String columns)
at CMS.DataEngine.GeneralConnection.ExecuteQuery(String queryName, Object[,] parameters)
at CMS.DataEngine.SimpleDataClass.Update()
at CMS.DataEngine.AbstractInfo.Update()
at CMS.Staging.SynchronizedInfo.Update()
at CMS.SiteProvider.MetaFileInfoProvider.SetMetaFileInfoInternal(MetaFileInfo metaFile, GeneralConnection conn)
at CMS.SiteProvider.MetaFileInfoProvider.UpdateMetaFiles(Int32 objectId, String objectType, Int32 siteId, DataTable filesDT, Int32 filesObjectId, LoadDataEventHandler onLoadData, Boolean logSynchronization)
at CMS.SiteProvider.MetaFileInfoProvider.UpdateMetaFiles(Int32 objectId, String objectType, Int32 siteId, DataTable filesDT, Int32 filesObjectId, LoadDataEventHandler onLoadData)
at CMS.CMSImportExport.ImportProvider.UpdateObject(SiteImportSettings settings, IInfoObject infoObj, Boolean siteObject, DataSet ds, TranslationHelper th, Boolean updateChild, Int32 targetSiteId, ProcessObjectEnum process, Hashtable importedParentIDs, ArrayList postProcessList)
at CMS.CMSImportExport.ImportProvider.ImportObjects(SiteImportSettings settings, DataSet ds, String objectType, Boolean siteObjects, TranslationHelper th, Boolean importChild, ProcessObjectEnum processType, Hashtable importedParentIDs)

for confirmation, I use SQL Server 2005

Please advise.

Thank you

Omar Al-Daher

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Kentico Support
Kentico Support
kentico_radekm - 2/1/2010 6:15:05 AM
RE:Error in Database setup - Step 3

What is your environment and its HW configuration? According to message "caused exception: There is insufficient system memory to run this query." is seems that problem is with insufficient memory. Could you please check it? Thank you.

Best Regards,
Radek Macalik

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omar.daher - 2/1/2010 7:32:22 AM
RE:Error in Database setup - Step 3
The environment and HW configuration are as following:

Microsoft Windows Server 2003
Standard x64 Edition
Service Pck 2


Quad-Core AMD Opteron
Processor 2352
2.11 GHz
1.00 GB RAM

any advise.

Thank You

Omar Al-Daher

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Kentico Support
Kentico Support
kentico_radekm - 2/2/2010 9:23:52 AM
RE:Error in Database setup - Step 3

Thank you for clarification. What is memory limit per one DB on your SQL Server?

Best Regards,
Radek Macalik

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omar.daher - 2/2/2010 1:12:34 PM
RE:Error in Database setup - Step 3
Thank you guys for your support. Thank you Radek

The issue as been resolved
I already increased min and max memory limit at SQL Server properties-Memory option, it works fine.

Thank you again.

Best Regards,
Omar Al-Daher

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jason-cfwebtools - 5/11/2010 2:26:12 PM
RE:Error in Database setup - Step 3
Is there a previous build that we could use that does work with MSSQL 2000... We currently do not have a license for 2005 or 2008.

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Kentico Support
Kentico Support
kentico_jurajo - 5/17/2010 2:40:36 AM
RE:Error in Database setup - Step 3

I am afraid but there is no build of version 5.x which will support SQL 2000. This platform was completely abandoned. You need to use previous version of Kentico CMS - 4.x and older.

Best regards,
Juraj Ondrus