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Version 5.x > Portal Engine > How KenticoCMS 6.0Version Can Be Integrated With ASP.NET MVC Application? View modes: 
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samuelmartin111-hotmail - 10/13/2011 1:48:12 AM
How KenticoCMS 6.0Version Can Be Integrated With ASP.NET MVC Application?
How to integrate KenticoCMS 6.0Version With my existing ASP.NET MVC Application?

When i try to integrate with ASP.NET it is doing well but am facing Issues while integrating with ASP.NET MVC Application.

Earlier I tried with Kentico CMS 5.5 Version as hey have specified that it is Flexible with KenticoCms 6.0Version.

Can you please suggest me in what way we can integrate with our existing WebApplication.


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Kentico Support
Kentico Support
kentico_zdenekc - 10/13/2011 2:12:38 AM
RE:How KenticoCMS 6.0Version Can Be Integrated With ASP.NET MVC Application?

We would probably need some more details about your integration attempts. What issues have you run into?

Have you checked the following article about MVC support in Kentico CMS v.6:

Thank you in advance for information.

Zdenek C.

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samuelmartin111-hotmail - 10/13/2011 2:16:59 AM
RE:How KenticoCMS 6.0Version Can Be Integrated With ASP.NET MVC Application?
Hi ,
i have tried the article

My Exact Requirement is that I want To Integrate KenticoCMS 6.0 With my existing ASP.NET MVC Application, as my MVC Application is the main project and i need to capture some of the features from Kentico Project.

So i thought of integrating because pages from my project can communicate with kentico , i tried integrating with ASP.NET application it has done well but when i try to integrate with MVC Application it is not happening i followed the same process which i followed for ASP.NET Application.

For ASP.NET Application i have done integration by creating virtual directories for both to my asp.net application folder and kentico folder and the process has gone successfully.

Can You Please specify me a process how to integrate with MVC Application?

Thanks in Advance!!!

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kentico_michal - 10/16/2011 2:14:38 AM
RE:How KenticoCMS 6.0Version Can Be Integrated With ASP.NET MVC Application?

If you need use Kentico CMS API in your MVC application, I would like to point you to the following section of Developer's guide which explains how you can configure your ASP.NET application so that it can use Kentico CMS API and Kentico CMS Controls: Using API and CMS controls outside CMS project

Best regards,
Michal Legen