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Version 5.x > Portal Engine > Customize <a> tag (specifically style) on unsubscribe macro View modes: 
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joeh42 - 6/29/2011 9:44:32 AM
Customize <a> tag (specifically style) on unsubscribe macro
It's notoriously painful to develop HTML emails that work in multiple email clients. Kentico's unsubscribe macro doesn't seem to allow manipulation of the HTML anchor <a> tag. Is there a way to customize the a tag?

I tried to put CSS on the unsubscribe link, but it worked in some clients but not others (i.e. Gmail).

.newsletterUnsubscribe a
color: #1ea7d1;
text-decoration: none;

Has anyone had any luck with this?


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Kentico Developer
Kentico Developer
kentico_ondrejv - 6/30/2011 3:47:22 PM
RE:Customize <a> tag (specifically style) on unsubscribe macro

Well, newsletters styling is always a bit tricky. You need to use multiple CSS tricks and hacks to make it consistent all across the e-mail clients (if it's even possible).
At any rate, you might find useful the following way of defining custom unsubscribe link: http://devnet.kentico.com/Forums.aspx?forumid=40&threadid=8594. This way you are able to set custom CSS class and style the link using CSS styles.

Maybe other users will post here some tips and tricks in this regard (otherwise try to find them out on the Internet).

Best regards
Ondrej Vasil

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joeh42 - 7/14/2011 7:56:23 AM
RE:Customize <a> tag (specifically style) on unsubscribe macro
Thanks! I didn't know that the two macros below existed out of the box. They are exactly what I'm looking for. I can then mock up the HTML exactly as I need.

{%SubscriberGUID%} {%IssueID%}