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Version 5.x > Portal Engine > PIE.htc - CSS3 for older IE View modes: 
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Phil - 6/2/2011 11:37:40 AM
PIE.htc - CSS3 for older IE
Hello Kentico!

Do you know something about file PIE.htc? This file allows IE 6-8 to show some CSS3 declaraions (box-shadow, border-radius, etc.) more on http://www.css3pie.com/
I´ve successfully implemented this file to some websites. But I dont know how to make it working on Kentico...

What´s bad on this CSS declaration?
behavior: url(../Imgs/Design/PIE.htc); ?
Have I use this or this: behavior: url(../Imgs/Design/PIE.aspx); ?

Thank you for your answers and I hope this article will be useful for many Kentico devlopers!
Best regards,

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lancetek - 6/3/2011 3:41:05 AM
RE:PIE.htc - CSS3 for older IE
I don't know if I'm understanding your question, but I serve .htc files for websites using Kentico:

In order to get Kentico to server up .htc file, you have to allow Kentico to process .htc files.

If you want to upload it to Kentico, then change the site manager > settings > Files > upload extensions to allow .htc

If you want to deliver .htc then add .htc to the site manager > settings > URLs and SEO > Friendly URL extensions

See help about URLs and SEO

btw if you don't want Kentico to serve .htc, then you can just put the file in the root of your kentico website and let IIS serve it up.
