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Version 5.x > Portal Engine > SmartSearch is not indexing Forums that belong to a community Group View modes: 
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ricardo.fiel - 3/17/2011 2:35:34 PM
SmartSearch is not indexing Forums that belong to a community Group
Hi all,

Using Kentico 5, I'm using SmartSearch to display search results from forums. Everything works fine, except for forums which belong to community groups. These are the ones where the value of GroupGroupID field in Forums_ForumGroup is not null. Apparently, these forums don't even go into the lucene indexes.

Anyone knows how to add them?


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Kentico Support
Kentico Support
kentico_zdenekc - 3/29/2011 12:47:33 PM
RE:SmartSearch is not indexing Forums that belong to a community Group

The Community Group Forums are not indexed for Smart Search, there's a standard SQL search used - mostly by Group forum search results webpart.

To make the group forum to be indexed by Smart search, you could change the selector to allow building specific group forum search index.

In the file ~\CMSModules\Forums\FormControls\ForumSelector.ascx.cs
there's a where condition that restricts the offered group forums:

// Select non group forum of current site
uniSelector.WhereCondition = ...

and it's done by this part of the condition:

... GroupGroupID IS NULL ...

so after removing this part, you would be able to select particularly the group forum(s).

This approach was not tested (goes beyond specification) are there are still some questions e.g. the need to avoid searching in group forum by a user who doesn't have access to that group / group forum...

Maybe if you could describe your group forums setup and your aim with search in group forums, it could help us to advise more accurately.


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ricardo.fiel - 4/4/2011 9:51:26 AM
RE:SmartSearch is not indexing Forums that belong to a community Group
Hi, thanks for your reply.

In our website, any registered user can create a group, and inside that group, create one or more forums.

The solution you presented works, but not for this "dynamic group forums" scenario. So, I'm guessing the only 2 options is to use SQLSearch or change the way the index is build for the forums (I don't know if we needed source code for that).


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Kentico Support
Kentico Support
kentico_zdenekc - 4/11/2011 11:24:34 AM
RE:SmartSearch is not indexing Forums that belong to a community Group
Hi Ricardo.

Regrettably, there's another check in Smart search index rebuilding code, in DLLs. This prevents the selected group forum from being indexed. Only way to change that would be to modify the source code...
SQL search won't help much too, it cannot search in group forums.

You could however use ForumSearch, like described at DevGuide's Forums module documentation on searching article, although it may be limited in comparison with your requirement.


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ricardo.fiel - 4/11/2011 11:41:53 AM
RE:SmartSearch is not indexing Forums that belong to a community Group
Hi Zdenek,

Thanks. I ended up implementing with SQL Server Full Text Search (altough I need to be extra careful with the Forum-related tables now because of the indexes). It's extremely fast and suits my needs.


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Kentico Support
Kentico Support
kentico_zdenekc - 4/11/2011 3:26:16 PM
RE:SmartSearch is not indexing Forums that belong to a community Group
Hi Ricardo,

That's very good to hear.

Maybe in next version, there will be some possibility to customize smart search for this purpose (as there's some chance that custom smart search analyzers may be supported).


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ricardo.fiel - 4/12/2011 4:10:29 AM
RE:SmartSearch is not indexing Forums that belong to a community Group
I'm very curious for v6. The Online Marketing features alone have made me jump for joy :)
