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ananda.bakhal-aressindia - 10/15/2011 4:23:12 AM
301 redirect
I have a folder (say Old_Folder) having many pages. The path of the pages are of form:, etc.

I want to change the name of the folder from 'Old_Folder' to 'New_Folder'. This will change the pages URL also and will be like :, etc.

I will need to add 301 redirect for old paths .

I have tried to create alias path for old URL, if the page is accessed using the old and new url it opens correctly. But I am not sure whether 301 redirect is working or not.

What's the ideal way of adding 301 redirect paths using Kentico?

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Kentico Developer
Kentico Developer
kentico_ondrejv - 10/23/2011 8:37:26 AM
RE:301 redirect

This can be achieved easily using Kentico CMS. In fact, your approach is correct - you need to have the old URL as an alias for each document in order to have this document accessible under the old URL. There is a functionality which creates aliases automatically for all child documents when changing URL of their parent - the Remember original URLs when moving documents option needs to be set in Site Manager -> Settings -> Your_Site -> URLs and SEO.

Furthermore, to achieve permanent (301) redirect, you need to set the following two settings at the same location: Allow permanent (301) redirection and Redirect document aliases to main URL.

This way you'll be redirected to new URLs with 301 response in a header. You can check that using e.g. Firebug add-on.

Best regards
Ondrej Vasil

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vu-1112group - 1/5/2012 8:30:37 PM
RE:301 redirect
I used the rewrite module in IIS 301 Redirect to set up but I want to set up right in Kentico cms (I have done here, but no instructions on changing as the following example). used kentico version 6
for example, link a Redirect 301 to
I can support this issue?

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Kentico Support
Kentico Support
kentico_zdenekc - 1/6/2012 8:05:40 AM
RE:301 redirect

You can either keep only the /about-us/news page in the content tree and go to its page Properties -> URLs and add a New document alias here, as of "/news"

You could also add a Menu action - URL redirection in the /news page in the Properties - Menu (and point it to the /about-us/news), but then you would need to have also the second page in the content tree... so the first approach is considered better.

With both options, you will also need to enable Allow permanent (301) redirection in Site manager -> Settings -> URLs and SEO.


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voanhvu873403-gmail - 2/16/2012 10:45:18 PM
RE:301 redirect
Thanks for your support. I tried steps as you suggested but there's another problem.
It worked only if I have ".aspx" in urls. If I use friendly url, such as "Product" instead of "product.aspx", it didn't work.
Did I miss another configuration on IIS?

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Kentico Support
Kentico Support
kentico_jurajo - 2/19/2012 1:41:47 AM
RE:301 redirect

I would like to ask you to use proper forum and thread in the future - this one is aimed for SharePoint connector - however your topic is similar.

Regarding your question, have you configured the IIS and CMS to handle the extension less URLs as described here?

Best regards,
Juraj Ondrus