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Version 4.x > New features > New Page -> Default Template Category View modes: 
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ryan.wheale-gmail - 9/2/2009 2:13:12 PM
New Page -> Default Template Category
It would be nice to limit the page template selections to certain categories for document types.

For example, when I am creating a new Blog, I can only choose from the templates in the "Blog" template category.

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Kentico Support
Kentico Support
kentico_radekm - 9/4/2009 5:04:33 AM
RE:New Page -> Default Template Category

Only when creating a new document of Page (menu item), you can select from all templates at the beginning. Other special document types, like blog, new, article, etc. have default page template defined and this can be change in Site Manager -> Development -> Document types -> edit requested document type -> General -> Default page template property.

So, do you mean situation, when you already create e.g. blog document and then change its template in Properties -> Template -> Select? So, for example, you have blog document and change template to event calendar? In this case, you change whole document to new type, so you need to consider if this is what you want to achieve. Is this scenario you mean? To make content editor unable to change created document type to some another? I am not sure if this would not be a limitation to another content editors, since in some cases you want to do it so. Anyway, if this is what you mean, could you please confirm it? I will submit it as a feature request (but I suppose this free behavior is by default so I am not sure if we will change it). Thank you.

Radek Macalik
Support Engineer

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ryan.wheale-gmail - 9/4/2009 1:40:14 PM
RE:New Page -> Default Template Category
What I mean is... lets say I create a new document type of Blog, and I create 6 different templates which can be used for this type of document. All of these templates would be categorized under the "Blogs" template category.

Well I don't want anybody to choose a "Calendar" template for a "Blog" document. It would be nice if I could specify the "Template Category" for a document type so as to restrict the template selection to a specific category. Here is a scenario:

1) Create a new document of type "Blog"
2) In the template selection page, you are limited to ONLY the templates in the "Blog" template category.
3) After the document has been created, I could go back change the template to any one of the 6 templates.

This would PREVENT users from choosing a "Calendar" template for a blog page. Does that make sense?


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Kentico Developer
Kentico Developer
kentico_zbysekn - 9/4/2009 4:09:46 PM
RE:New Page -> Default Template Category
Hi Ryan,
thanks for your suggestion I will pass this feature description to our product manager to consider.
Best Regards,
Zbysek Nemec