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gary.chan@e-crusade.com - 8/17/2008 10:37:09 PM
File Import Module problem

I have problems using the File Import module, will appreciate any help

What I wanted to do is to import a folder B with two javascript files into the CMS, under an existing folder A

Before import
-- Folder A

After import
-- Folder A
-- Folder B
-- script01.js
-- script02.js

Problems (refer to attached images)
1. always return database error message :
Some files can't be imported to given target. ([DataConnection.ExecuteQuery]: Query: INSERT INTO CMS_VersionHistory ( [NodeSiteID], [DocumentID], [DocumentNamePath], [NodeXML], [ModifiedByUserID], [ModifiedWhen], [VersionNumber], [VersionComment], [ToBePublished], [PublishFrom], [PublishTo], [WasPublishedFrom], [WasPublishedTo] ) VALUES ( @NodeSiteID, @DocumentID, @DocumentNamePath, @NodeXML, @ModifiedByUserID, @ModifiedWhen, @VersionNumber, @VersionComment, @ToBePublished, @PublishFrom, @PublishTo, @WasPublishedFrom, @WasPublishedTo); SELECT @@identity AS [VersionHistoryID]: caused exception: INSERT statement conflicted with COLUMN FOREIGN KEY constraint 'FK__CMS_Versi__Modif__72C60C4A'. The conflict occurred in database 'KenticoCMSDev', table 'CMS_User', column 'UserID'. The statement has been terminated.)

2. although error occured, can see the imported files in content tree, but with invalid property value on Page tab (blank file name and file size)

3. On property tab, the url of imported js file is a bit confusing, an .aspx ext added to the .js, such as "xxxxx.js.aspx" ? or has anything to do with setting site as DB mode only instead of local file? What url I should use if I want to include the js in other html head section?

4. furthermore, if copied the folder B (with files in it) to the "cmsimportfiles" folder and select to import both js script at once, it ends up something like following in content tree which is not right.
-- Folder A
-- Folder B
-- script01.js
-- Folder B
-- script02.js

System Information
CMS version : 3.1 Build : 3.1.3078
OS version : Microsoft Windows NT 5.2.3790.0


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Kentico Developer
Kentico Developer
kentico_zbysekn - 8/18/2008 7:46:06 AM
RE:File Import Module problem
I was unable to reproduce this issue on our machines.
When I create folder B which contains files 1.js and 2.js and then simply copy this folder to CMSImportFiles folder and import this folder B under existing folder A, following structure is created.

Are you using clear instalation of Kentico CMS or upgraded one?

Best Regards,

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gary.chan@e-crusade.com - 8/18/2008 8:25:27 AM
RE:File Import Module problem

I tried again and its ok on my pc too. I guess it has something to do with my point 1 db error issue. Some how file import does not generate the db error now and other problems goes away too.

(The cause of db error still unknown, and can't recall all the changes I made but the major one is playing with site setting on the db or file system part, was db only, for your info)

Anyway, thanks for your help.

Best Regards,