Portal Engine
Version 3.x > Portal Engine > portal dev and source control View modes: 
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nedb@davidandgoliath.com - 3/4/2008 7:53:12 PM
portal dev and source control
Are there any best practices regarding portal style development and source control systems? Does it even make sense to use sc in this scenario?

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Kentico Product Management
Kentico Product Management
kentico_karolj - 3/6/2008 3:31:44 PM
RE:portal dev and source control
Hi Ned,

Thank you for the post.

Unfortunately there isn't the way you could get the source control system work with the current version of the Kentico CMS. However we plan to include such option in some of the next versions where the new version should be created after any change concerning the template, etc. So you would be able to restore to original version any time you need.

Please let me know if there is anything else I can do for you. Thank you.

Best Regards,

Karol Jarkovsky (Mr.)