Jeroen Fürst

Jeroen Fürst TrueLime

Hi! I am Kentico Xperience MVP and Architect for TrueLime in the Netherlands.

Jeroen ranks #38 in the community leaderboard with total of 370 reputation points.

Upgrade to 9: How to handle the missing page related views

Jeroen Fürst    —       —    Article

Over the last couple of weeks we have worked on several upgrades of our existing sites to Kentico 9, which was released last month. While the upgrade process overall went pretty smooth, one issue popped up in almost all of our cases. In our projects we tend to leverage page related views (View_[ClassName]_Joined) in repeaters/univiews with custom queries which are removed during the upgrade process. This post will give you insights on how we handled this.

Quick tip: how to export a media library with files

Jeroen Fürst    —       —    Article

Exporting stuff in Kentico is super easy if you know your options. Almost every screen or grid provides you with the option to export the desired object. In the case of the media library we not only want the object definition but also the files that are uploaded. Follow the steps below to get the complete set.

Using K# transformations in form fields

Jeroen Fürst    —       —    Article

Have you ever struggled with transforming the selected value of a drop down list into a human readable form? The combination of K# and Kentico forms allows you to just do that without even breaking a sweat.

Clean unused memory automatically (or not?)

Jeroen Fürst    —       —    Article

About a month ago I showed you how you can easily reduce the number of project files by uninstalling modules using the Kentico Installation Manager. The goal was to reduce the memory usage of the application pools and to speed up the build of your Kentico projects. In this post I will continue the road to a better performing website and show you how you can leverage the scheduled tasks in Kentico to keep your memory profile as low as possible.

Pages crawler not returning search results

Jeroen Fürst    —       —    Article
We are a big fan of widgets in our projects and this typically requires us to use a specific smart search index type to scan our content. In these scenarios it is recommended to use the pages crawler index type which indexes the HTML output of the pages. The pages crawler is more accurate than the standard pages index type as it also indexes content rendered via web parts and widgets.

Choose your modules wisely!

Jeroen Fürst    —       —    Article
A couple of performance related topics seem to catch my attention lately. It concerns questions about the choice of using a website versus web application project type, reducing the memory usage of the application pools and speeding up the continuous integration build speed. My plan is to post a couple of blogs in the next couple of months to help you understand the requirements and provide you with practical tips that you can start using today.

Mobile layouts in Kentico 7

Jeroen Fürst    —       —    Article
Hi everyone, my name is Jeroen Fürst and I am Kentico MVP & lead engineer at IBL-Software in The Netherlands. With this post I would like to share my view on the new mobile features of Kentico version 7. For more information, tips & tricks and my overall Kentico experiences I would like to invite you to follow my blog.

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