API Changes From Kentico CMS 6 to 7
Kentico CMS 7 final has been released and upgrades from earlier versions are on their way. Here is a list of changes in the API you may want to know about ...
Hi there,
We are working on upgrade from v7 RC to v7 final, which will be available at the beginning of October, and on upgrade from v6 to v7 final, which will be available in second half of October. Let me just quickly summarize what API changes you should be aware of ...
Major changes
We have made several major changes which have helped us get rid of some references which were causing us a hard time in providing new features around documents, and also to make things more obvious.
New namespace CMS.DocumentEngine
The original libraries (and namespaces)
CMS.WorkflowEngine (extension library for workflow for documents), and
CMS.TreeEngine (base library for documents) were redefined as:
CMS.WorkflowEngine - Only basic workflow functionality, no longer connected to documents. Provides a general workflow engine that is also leveraged by the Marketing Automation feature.
CMS.DocumentEngine - This library joins the functionality of the previous workflow engine together with the base document library, providing the same options, but with better future maintainability.
Technically, all you need to do is change your using statements to use the CMS.DocumentEngine namespace.
New class SystemDataHelper
SqlHelperClass, which was becoming too large, was split to two classes:
SqlHelperClass - Providing methods related to SQL operations
SystemDataHelper - Providing methods related to general data manipulation and validation
New class AuthenticationHelper
Because class
UserInfoProvider was growing too much as well, we moved the methods that provide authentication and password handling to a new class called
Minor changes
Similar to the previous version, we have made several minor improvements to further unify our API, or fix wrong behavior of methods which actually needed more parameters.
Here is the full list of API changes. Note that it doesn't include really low-level items as we want to keep it brief and useful:
Should you find anything missing from the list, do not hesitate to ask our support team at support@kentico.com or to post it in comments.