Kentico CMS 5.5 Performance report

Here comes the performance report for Kentico CMS 5.5. Better stability, more efficient under heavy conditions ...
Hi there,

We have finally finished the performance report for the version 5.5 of Kentico CMS.

You can download the report here: KenticoCMS_5_5_Performance.pdf (7.8 MB) 

What is different about version 5.5 performance cannot really be seen in the report since the improvements are typically related to some edge scenarios, but they are definitely worth mentioning:
  • Better stability in larger time frame, especially for file handling
  • Better caching mechanism that avoids contention under peak load when data is not available
  • Optimized web farm synchronization, less synchronization tasks on heavy operations such as import
  • New indexes on database, less load to the SQL server
  • Possible to add output cache dependencies for your pages
Note, that even with these improvements, the main part of the web site optimization is still always on the developer, you cannot have great performing web site unless you design the web site to perform great, maintain the database indexes and statistics, and validate the results with your own load test before deploying live.

See you next time ...

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Martin Hejtmanek

Hi, I am the CTO of Kentico and I will be constantly providing you the information about current development process and other interesting technical things you might want to know about Kentico.
