DIY: How to make a chat module

Are you missing the chat functionality in Kentico CMS? Don't you want to integrate with other solutions? Read this to see how simple it is to create your own chat module ...
Hi there,

The time has come, all the prerequisities are ready, so let's see how you can build your own simple chat module in matter of hours (or copy-paste this sample in matter of minutes).


What you should know before you start is following: I covered it separately not only to reduce the length of this post so it can be better to remember, but also because that other functionality may be used for other things, so I didn't want to hide it too much. So learn that before you start, you will need it.

Design of our chat

Speaking about simple chat, let's see what wee need for it:
  • We want the chat for authenticated users only, not only because it is simpler, but also because it prevents unwanted spammers.
  • Some list where we can store the comments posted by users, it would be nice if the user could send a private message to specific user, too.
  • Some list where we can store the list of users that are currently present.
  • We always want to keep only information for some specific time, so wee need a scheduled task that will periodically clear the lists from outdated records.
  • The live site face for the chat, where we need some input form for the new messages, and lists of messages and users on the chat, and we want it to be AJAX based, and refresh that information on a periodical basis.
So that are our needs, let's fulfill them ...

Preparing the data structure

Firstly, we want to prepare the list for messages. So go ahead and create new Custom table

Display name: Chat - Messages 
Class name: custom.chatmessage 
Table name: custom_chatmessage

With following fields:
  • ItemID, ItemCreatedWhen, ItemCreatedBy, ItemGUID provided automatically
  • MessageText - Text, 2000 characters, Text area
  • MessageFromNickName - Text, 100 characters, Text box
  • MessageToNickName - Text, 100 characters, Allow empty value, Text box
  • MessageFromUserID - Integer, User selector
  • MessageToUserID - Integer, Allow empty value, User selector
If you define the fields like this, you can get nice view and editing options in the custom table UI.

As you can see, we will be referring to the users by IDs (so we can filter private messages) and we are also including nicknames to have just one flat table and avoid View. Later, this can be also used to support anonymous users that do not have an ID.

Now, let's do something similar for the list of users, with new Custom table:

Display name: Chat - Members
Class name: custom.chatmember 
Table name: custom_chatmember

With following fields:
  • ItemID, ItemGUID provided automatically
  • MemberUserID - Integer, User selector
  • MemberNickName - Text, 100 characters, Text box
  • MemberLastActive - Date and time, Allow empty value, Calendar (last active means when the user posted something the last time)
  • MemberLastPresent - Date and time, , Calendar (last present means when the user viewed the messages the last time)
This is a list containing the users on the chat and their activity time stamps so we can decide which aren't active and should be removed from the list.

So we have the repository for the items, you may optionally add some indexes to the columns in the SQL Management Studio to be able to server large loads effectively. Just note that the indexes won't go with the import/export, you need to ensure them manually.

Cleaning up old items

Now we need to say that we want to delete outdated items. So we define some queries that will do that for us.

Create new Query under the Custom table "Chat - Messages":

Query name: deleteold
Query text:

DELETE FROM custom_chatmessage WHERE DATEDIFF(minute, ItemCreatedWhen, GETDATE()) > 20

This one removes all messages older than 20 minutes when executed.

And the second query under the Custom table "Chat - Members":

Query name: deleteinactive
Query text:

DELETE FROM custom_chatmember WHERE DATEDIFF(minute, MemberLastPresent, GETDATE()) > 2

This one removes all the chat users that were not present for more than 2 minutes. You may somehow modify it to use the other activity field, too.

If you want to modify the time for the items to stay, just adjust the queries accordingly.

As next, prepare the Scheduled task provided from App_Code, modify file ~/App_Code/Global/CMS/CMSCustom.cs like this:

using CMS.Scheduler;
using CMS.EventLog;
using CMS.DataEngine;

public static object GetCustomClass(string className)
  switch (className) 
    case "Custom.ChatDeleter":
      return new ChatDeleter();

  return null;

public class ChatDeleter : ITask

  public string Execute(TaskInfo taskInfo)
      // Delete the old items
      GeneralConnection conn = ConnectionHelper.GetConnection();

      conn.ExecuteQuery("custom.chatmessage.deleteold", null);
      conn.ExecuteQuery("custom.chatmember.deleteinactive", null);
    catch (Exception ex)

      EventLogProvider.LogException("Chat", "DELETEOLD", ex);
    return null;

This will ensure calling our new queries from our custom tables, the queries will handle the deletion of outdated items.

Just register the scheduled task running every minute or two (that is up to you how often you want to do the cleanup), with:

Assembly name: App_Code
Task class name: Custom.ChatDeleter

Preparing the activity queries

Add two more queries to the custom table "Chat - Members":

Query name: updateactivity
Query text:

IF EXISTS (SELECT ItemID FROM custom_chatmember WHERE MemberUserID = @UserID)
  UPDATE custom_chatmember SET MemberLastActive = GETDATE(), MemberNickName = @NickName WHERE MemberUserID = @UserID
  INSERT INTO custom_chatmember (ItemGUID, MemberUserID, MemberNickName, MemberLastActive, MemberLastPresent)
  VALUES (NEWID(), @UserID, @NickName, GETDATE(), GETDATE())

This one is little longer, what it does is it ensures the user in the members table, and updates the user activity timestamp.

Query name: updatepresence
Query text:

IF EXISTS (SELECT ItemID FROM custom_chatmember WHERE MemberUserID = @UserID)
UPDATE custom_chatmember SET MemberLastPresent = GETDATE(), MemberNickName = @NickName WHERE MemberUserID = @UserID
INSERT INTO custom_chatmember (ItemGUID, MemberUserID, MemberNickName, MemberLastActive, MemberLastPresent)

This is the same as above, just for the presence time stamp.

The reason I didn't use the API is simply because this will be faster if the chat gets more load.

Putting a face to the chat module

I will start with the hardest part, because we need it to be able to actually test the other parts on live site. So let's prepare the input field for the messages. Create a new Web part called Chat Input. With following ASCX code:

<%@ Control Language="C#" AutoEventWireup="true" CodeFile="ChatInput.ascx.cs" Inherits="CMSWebParts_Chat_ChatInput"
EnableViewState="false" %>
<asp:Panel runat="server" id="pnlInput" DefaultButton="btnSubmit">
<asp:TextBox runat="server" ID="txtText" CssClass="TextBoxSend" />
<asp:DropDownList runat="server" ID="drpMembers" DataTextField="MemberNickname" DataValueField="MemberUserID" CssClass="DropDownFieldSmall" />
<asp:Button runat="server" ID="btnSubmit" OnClick="btnSubmit_Click" Text="Send"
CssClass="ContentButton" />

And following code behind:

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Web;
using System.Web.UI;
using System.Web.UI.WebControls;
using System.Data;
using System.Web.Caching;

using CMS.PortalControls;
using CMS.SiteProvider;
using CMS.GlobalHelper;
using CMS.CMSHelper;

public partial class CMSWebParts_Chat_ChatInput : CMSAbstractWebPart
    #region "Variables"

    CurrentUserInfo currentUser = null;
    CustomTableItemProvider pr = null;


    protected override void OnInit(EventArgs e)

        currentUser = CMSContext.CurrentUser;

        // Get the data
        pr = new CustomTableItemProvider(currentUser);
        DataSet ds = null;
        // Cache the data for DDL
        using (CachedSection<DataSet> cs = new CachedSection<DataSet>(ref ds, 1, true, "chatmembers"))
           if (cs.LoadData)
              // Get from database
              ds = pr.GetItems("custom.chatmember", null, "MemberNickName", 0, null);

              // Add all item at the start
              DataTable dt = ds.Tables[0];
              DataRow dr = dt.NewRow();

              dr["MemberNickName"] = ResHelper.GetString("Chat.All", null, "(to all)");

              ds.Tables[0].Rows.InsertAt(dr, 0);

              // Add to the cache
              cs.CacheDependency = CacheHelper.GetCacheDependency("chatmembers|all");
              cs.Data = ds;

        // Bind the members
        this.drpMembers.DataSource = ds;

        // Update user activity
        object[,] parameters = new object[2, 3];
        parameters[0, 0] = "@UserID";
        parameters[0, 1] = currentUser.UserID;
        parameters[1, 0] = "@NickName";
        parameters[1, 1] = currentUser.FullName;

        pr.Connection.ExecuteQuery("custom.chatmember.updatepresence", parameters);

    protected override void OnPreRender(EventArgs e)

        if (!IsPostBack)
            ScriptHelper.RegisterStartupScript(this, typeof(string), "Focus", ScriptHelper.GetScript(
                @"function FocusBox() { document.getElementById('" + this.txtText.ClientID + @"').focus(); }
                window.focusAttempts = 5;
                setInterval('if (focusAttempts-- > 0) FocusBox();', 100);"
            ScriptHelper.RegisterStartupScript(this, typeof(string), "Focus", ScriptHelper.GetScript(
                @"window.focusAttempts = 5;"

    protected void btnSubmit_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)


    /// <summary>
    /// Sends the message
    /// </summary>
    protected void Send()
        if (!currentUser.IsPublic())
            // Insert new message
            CustomTableItem cti = new CustomTableItem("custom.chatmessage", pr);
            cti.SetValue("MessageText", this.txtText.Text);

            cti.SetValue("MessageFromUserID", currentUser.UserID);
            cti.SetValue("MessageFromNickName", currentUser.FullName);

            int toUserId = ValidationHelper.GetInteger(this.drpMembers.SelectedValue, 0);
            if (toUserId > 0)
                cti.SetValue("MessageToUserID", toUserId);
                cti.SetValue("MessageToNickName", this.drpMembers.SelectedItem.Text);


            // Update user activity
            object[,] parameters = new object[2, 3];
            parameters[0, 0] = "@UserID";
            parameters[0, 1] = currentUser.UserID;
            parameters[1, 0] = "@NickName";
            parameters[1, 1] = currentUser.FullName;

            pr.Connection.ExecuteQuery("custom.chatmember.updateactivity", parameters);

            this.txtText.Text = "";

            // Drop the members cache

It isn't exactly short, but given the fact that that is all the code you need to have for your chat, it is not too much, isn't it?

Let's see what the webpart does ...

  • We have a text input, dropdown with available users on chat (to select to who I want to send the message), and a submit button
  • Upon OnInit, the web part fills in the dropdown with available users, that list of users is cached depending on the change to the list of users
  • Upon PreRender, it just makes sure that the text input is the focused field so user can just type the next message right away. Note that I had to use a little hack to make it work as expected in all browsers.
  • The last part is the submit button handler, which uses Custom tables API to insert new message, and informs the Page placeholder (template) that it needs to refresh all components data.
  • You may also notice, that on any request, it logs the presence using our presence query and on any input it logs the activity.
So shortly, we have an input field web part for our chat. Register the web part within site manager. it does not have any properties, so just register it without any additional modifications.

If you don't have the Timer web part from the DIY: How to make the zone auto refresh ensure that one, too.

Let's display the messages and present members together with it on the page template.

Create a chat page

Create new page under the root and call it "Chat". It will be menu item, blank page based on the simple layout, we will just change the layout in the design mode to:

<table border="0" width="100%">
  <tr valign="top">
    <td width="70%">
      <cc1:CMSWebPartZone ID="zoneInput" runat="server" /> 
    <td width="30%" rowspan="2">
      <cc1:CMSWebPartZone ID="zoneMembers" runat="server" /> 
  <tr valign="top">
      <cc1:CMSWebPartZone ID="zoneMessages" runat="server" />

We created the 3 zones on purpose, not only to define the layout, but also to separate the messages from the input field so we can refresh the messages independently.

Just go to the design mode and add the Chat input web part to the zone zoneInput.

Display the messages

Since we have all the data in Custom tables, and since we need to display the list of items in both cases, the obvious option is to use the Custom table repeater to do that. Let's go first for the list of messages.

Add the Custom table repeater web part to the zone zoneMessages. With following properties:
  • Custom table = Chat - Messages
  • Transformation name = custom.chatmessage.default
  • Order by = ItemCreatedWhen DESC
  • Where condition = MessageToUserID IS NULL OR MessageToUserID = {%CurrentUser.UserID%}</div>

    Display the members

    Not surprisingly, we do the same for the list of members present on the chat, so we do the same in zone zoneMembers. This time, the repeater will use the settings:

    • Custom table = Chat - Members
    • Transformation name = custom.chatmember.default
    • Order by = MemberNickName
    • Cache minutes = 0
    And the default transformation will be just:

    <div><%# Eval("MemberNickName") %></div>

    We want to refresh this part too, so we set the zone using update panel, and add the timer for 10000 ms (10 seconds) refresh (we don't need that often refresh here).

    It would probably be a good idea to add some static text on top of the zone, to inform user what he can see, e.g.:

    <h2>People on the chat</h2>

    Make it available only to authenticated

    And because this chat can only be used by the authenticated users, go ahead and set this page to require authentication in its security properties. And we will also need to say that everyone is able to read it (to grant them permission to see it with default settings).

    How the result looks like

    Let's see what you can see in the design mode and on the live page if you just send some messages, you can see that if you send a private one, it is displayed only to the right people:

    Full package

    Here is the import package with all the components from this post, you just need to import it, create the page using the template Chat from the Chat category, and set the security on the page. Then, it should work as my example here. (16 kB)

    What is the next step?

    I typically recommend to test it, but that is up to you, you sure can get the lunch / dinner / breakfast first. We are finished and by this time, your very first chat module implemented in Kentico is working.

    Definitely, it needs some improvements to be put live, it is meant to teach you how to do things.

    Congratulations and enjoy!
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Martin Hejtmanek

Hi, I am the CTO of Kentico and I will be constantly providing you the information about current development process and other interesting technical things you might want to know about Kentico.


MartinH commented on

Hi, see this documentation for more information about writing localized UI and managing resource strings:

juan commented on

hi its possible o change the language of the chat , how i do it

Martin Hejtmanek commented on

Hi Steven,

6.0 shouldn't be the reason. It seems more like the configuration thing. I recommend you to try to debug the code to see what it exactly does, maybe also enable our Cache and Query debug to see how it works with cache, and if you are not successful, send the screenshots of your configuration to our support.

Steven commented on

Hi Martin,
I also found that, after kentico keep repeating the first message as new message coming, as soon as you send out a meesage the meesage panel will be updated correctly. Same thing as you refresh the chat page. Timer works, message panel keep update, just the content is not correct until you refresh the page or send out a new message. The output cache has been select to "No". All code is imported from the link you provided.

steven commented on

I imported your code, it still repeat the first message when new incoming message received. But I'm using Kentico 6.0, is this the main reason?

Martin Hejtmanek commented on

Hi Steven,

It should be enough to have Cache minutes and Partial cache minutes set to 0 on the repeater. Cache dependencies aren't used at all if minutes are set to 0, so don't worry about them. Also, you should check disabled output cache in the document properties (note that it may be inherited from parent, so better directly select No). Another thing is that you may have the partial caching enabled on any parent component including web part zone, page placeholder in parent (or master) template, so check these as well. It is enough if the zone is set with the update panel if it contains both timer and repeater. I think at this point it may be better for you to try it first on the clean installation of version 5.5 where nothing more than what is described in my post is needed. Or alternatively contact our support with screenshots or more details of your setup.

steven commented on

Thanks Martin. I have a new issue that I found it repeat the first message after receiving a new message. But I checked the database, which is all correct. You mentioned to disable cache. There are several cache in sitemanager->setting->system->performance, which one do you mean? I set the Chche minutes of custom table repeater to zero,set the partial cache minutes to zero,I also unchecked cache dependencies, still no luck. And do we also have to check the use update panel for custom table repeater?

Martin Hejtmanek commented on

Hi Steven,

See this post

It describes where the Connection went. You can just remove it, it is no longer necessary.

Steven commented on

Hi Martin,

The Chat Input web part is not integrated successfully in my Kentico 6.0. It reports 'CMS.SiteProvider.CustomTableItemProvider' does not contain a definition for 'Connection' and no extension method 'Connection' accepting a first argument of type 'CMS.SiteProvider.CustomTableItemProvider' could be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)

Is that because the reason of version? I didn't see VS suggests connection after 'pr'

Any idea?

marco-p commented on

Thank you. I tried both, with and without cache dependencies, with version 5.5.3996 R2. After deleting the cache in Site manager it seems to work for both.

Martin Hejtmanek commented on

Hi Marco,

Just once, I just wanted to make sure that there is no cache left over with wrong data. Do you have the default cache dependencies enabled in the web part properties?

Also, which version and hotfix you have?

marco-p commented on

Yes. when i clear the system's cache it works well. for a real implementation do I have to clear it once or it's required to clear it several times?
Thank you.

Martin Hejtmanek commented on

Does it update if you clear the cache in site manager?

marco-p commented on

Thank you for your reply. I set all cache to 0 but i dind't see update.
I solved using a listview instead of the repeater and forcing the databind at each OnContentLoaded event.

Martin Hejtmanek commented on

Hi Marco,

Yes, my tests were OK. Make sure that you are not using partial caching or full page (output) caching on those components, and that you have cache really disabled for it. Enable the debug to see what it actually does.

marco-p commented on

I know that this is an old post, but i try to implement this code and the messages are not updated until the user refresh the entire page.
i follow the steps correctly. the timer works well but the CustomTableRepeater output is not updated,although there's no cache.
Your test was successfull?

Martin Hejtmanek commented on

Hi Scott,

No, it won't be part of 6.0 unfortunately, since it would require much more work to make it really complete. This is just a simple example to guide you a little through how this could be done. Having the simple chat module now and updating it later to some more complex solution would be just too time consuming. There are other priorities than this for 6.0.

Rhino Car Hire commented on

Will you be intergrating this in version 6 , that would be great. It would be even better if it would work for non authenticated visitors.

It would be another awesome selling point for kentico, lots of sites have chat facility, we use but to have it intergrated as part of the cms would be very nice indeed.

